Flying on a plane always seems like an exclusive thing to do since it means you are heading somewhere new and different on holiday. But in reality it is public transportation hauling a bunch of people that are forced into close quarters for the duration of the flight. In order to make a long flight more comfortable for you and for everyone around you these are 5 things to NEVER wear on a plane.

Before you go:
Make sure you have packed your personal item with these things to make your flight so much easier.
E-reader – I gave up packing physical books years ago once I found an e-reader I liked. It allows me to carry all the books I can read without them actually weighing me down.
Universal charger – this is my favourite universal charger. I like that it works around the world and has 4 ports to charge multiple devices at once.
Cozy cardigan – I hate to be cold on the plane so I make sure to pack a long cardigan that almost wraps up like a blanket. It helps to stay warm but also to relax and sleep on the plane.

5 Things to NEVER wear on a plane
- Perfume – I know everyone is worried about smelling bad but scent sensitive people are more worried about your perfume. Much like severe food allergies, strong scents like perfume can cause a migraines or worse. I spent the last flight I was on with my head looking away from the person I was seated beside so I didn’t breath in the air. I once ended up with hives because someone sprayed body spray and hit me as well. What to wear instead – deodorant is fine but please skip the perfume and body spray for your next flight.
- Heels – It might work for your airport look but heels are a miss for the plane for a number of reasons. One you might have to run to the gate which doesn’t work in heels, but for safety reasons you should also wear safer shoes on the plane. In case of an emergency you will be forced to go barefoot if the emergency slide is used. What to wear instead – go for sneakers (I like THESE) not just for safety but for comfort too.
- Anything metal – This is another option that will just slow you down. Make sure to leave your jewelry and belts and even shoes that have metal at home or packed away. This will save you time going through security. What to wear instead: there is no real alternative just don’t wear the metal.
- Tight constricting clothing – It isn’t pretty but people swell on the plane. Which means if your clothes are already tight they only get tighter. You definitely don’t want to loose blood flow due to constricting clothing. What to wear instead – wear something with stretch and a bit of drape. I usually wear jeans but nothing skin tight, long sleeve tees and a sweater. You could also go for a ponte pant or even something like these which have an elastic waist.
- Summer clothing – I get it you are heading somewhere hot and you want to dress for the climate you are heading towards. Do you know how many times I have seen girls shivering in a tiny summer dress? Too many to count. But another reason I wouldn’t want to wear skimpy clothing on a plane is it doesn’t seem that sanitary. Thousands of people have sat in those airplane seats before you and they never really get cleaned all that well. Further if you have to go down that emergency slide I know I would rather do it in jeans rather than a summer dress or shorts. What to wear instead – long pants and layers. Layer up on the plane to stay warm and shed layers once you arrive somewhere warm.

Is there anything you think should never be worn on a plane? Please share in the comments.
James Bailey
Tuesday 25th of October 2022
Wear laceless shoes (i.e. loafers or sneakers). It makes life a lot easier when going through the TSA screening and you have to remove your shoes and, worst case scenario, if you have to use the emergency slide.
Tuesday 25th of October 2022
So true - easy on and off!
Saturday 29th of June 2019
Airplane bathrooms can get dirty, especially the floor - another reason not to wear sandals or anything too draped and hanging down in that small bathroom space. A small-sized hand sanitizer is good to have handy. I wear loose running shoes, tracksuit with t-shirt is good.
Thursday 16th of September 2021
Don't wear a dress in case they want to do a pat-down.
Tuesday 2nd of July 2019
Yes! Nothing that will drag along the floor and no bare feet. These are key reminders - thanks!
Thursday 27th of June 2019
Sandals! Personal preference mainly b/c my feet get cold on planes.
Thursday 27th of June 2019
YES! Sandals are another one. Not just because I get cold but also I don't want bare feet near anything on a plane really.