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Buffalo Plaid 3 Ways

how to wear buffalo plaid, buffalo plaid multiple waysBuffalo plaid is a print that can look really chic if styled correctly otherwise it can come off a bit blue collar or lumber jack-ish. Best to keep away from other work wear inspired items so that it is the one thing that stands out as borrowed from someone else and you just threw it over your super cute outfit in an unexpected way.

In fact I would love to see this Buffalo Plaid paired with something even more refined, like a lace skirt or a silk blouse.

Outfit 1/Outfit 2/Outfit 3 (click the links for the original post details)

How do you wear your Buffalo Plaids?

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Friday 21st of February 2014

That's a great jacket! xo

Jane the torontoShopoholic

Friday 21st of February 2014

Thank you!


Thursday 20th of February 2014

great post! Plaid is always my go to in this crazy cold weather.

xo Nat @

Jane the torontoShopoholic

Thursday 20th of February 2014

Thank you Natalie!

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