Some combinations are just known. Camel and red. Black with pretty much everything. Grey and pink. One that I wouldn’t have immediately come up with is camel and purple.

Winter can be long and even if you have a bigger coat wardrobe they can get stale when you wear them the same way over and over. I like rotating through my scarves to give the same coat a different vibe.
The purple scarf is actually my daughters because what tween doesn’t love purple? I know I did at that age.

Christmas is less than ten days away and this is when I go from loving everything about the season to be over it. Over the expectations from family members you rarely see. Over all the gift guides. The last minute gifts you have to buy because someone decided to do a secret Santa this year. I find this time of year I just want to spend time with people but I also just want to get through it so that we can get back to a normal routine.

Outfit details: Coat (old, similar) // scarf // bag // jeans (gifted – reviewed here) // boots // hat

I you ready for Christmas craziness or are you just trying to get through to New Year?