This week has been a heavy one. This is a fairly frivolous space but I want to acknowledge that we have work to do as part of the human race to stop things like what happened to George Floyd and Regis doesn’t happen again. These things shouldn’t be happening in 2020. And I am completely aware that I am coming at this from a place of white privilege. But we need more of us speaking up when any sort of racist talk and actions show themselves. And call it out in ourselves as well. There is so much work to do to make sure this stops in it’s tracks. On that note I am going to transition back to clothes.

I have been pretty obsessed with H&M dresses this year. They have released so many great ones! This yellow one is the latest to come. Another winner.
I pulled my fave sandals out of storage. They are like butter on my feet. They have an updated version that has more of a square toe. I love the snake version. Not sure about the square toe though. (sandals gifted last year)
I am all about woven leather bags right now. I would love to get a big tote. For now I am dipping my toe in with something smaller. This white version.

This dress is back in stock! It is so light and airy and the print just screams summer.
After being crazy hot for most of the week the temperatures are finally cooling off again. I am actually thankful to wear jeans and sneakers again for a change. Might have to bust out the trench coat again!
I have been overhauling my bra drawer. I don’t know if it is the Covid 19 I have gained from stress eating or what but I am over so many of my bras. I am keeping my faves (this and this), updating sizes of others (this) and just ditching others. I am also trying out some wireless styles (this and this) although I haven’t had much luck with this type of bra in the past.
I am going back to wearing sweatpants, eating banana bread and enjoying a good book. And I am going to work on being the best ally I can be.