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Lace Skirt; Spring Edit

how to wear a lace skirtYou last saw this lace skirt when I styled it in the winter. I had scored it at an end of summer sale in the late fall for $19. Even though it is almost neon orange it is super versatile.

how to wear a lace skirtEven still I seem to pair this lace skirt with the same colour palette each time. Cream top, mushroomy colour shoes is extremely close to the cream lace top and furry vest of the winter look.

But I think the reason it works is because the focus is the bright skirt and everything else in the outfit lets it pop.

how to wear a lace skirtOutfit details: Sweater Joe Fresh, Lace Skirt Anthropologie (black & white version), Heels Pura Lopez.

Some details you can’t see in these photos are the silk back on this sweater which takes it from being a boring basic to a pretty cool one. The heels are one of my favourites from back when I had a corporate job. I love the bow and you can’t see it well in the photos but there is a ruffle detail on the edge of the shoe.

Do you have favourites in your closet that have lasted 5 plus years?

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Friday 24th of May 2013

I love that lace skirt, it's such a beautiful cut and color! Found your blog via Friday's Five linkup, now following :)

xo, Ainslee


Friday 24th of May 2013

Thanks for the follow!!

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