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Spice it up; accessorize your winter coat

Save for this past weekend, which was a small taste of spring, you have likely been wearing your winter coat non-stop.

Now some of you will have an arsenal of coats built up over the seasons and maybe you are rotating them to spice up your winter wardrobe.

But my guess is too many of us are wearing a standard black coat, black scarf and black accessories. Lets change the status quo.

winter wool trench

My starting point is my belted wool trench that I wore for the past few years. This is the first year that I  actually updated my winter coat with the collared cocoon coat seen here. But I thought this coat is more likely closer to what the average person is wearing.

spice up your winter coat

Check out how different the outfit looks just by adding a hat, in this case a slouchy toque. Don’t just pull out a hat when you are cold, wear a hat to change-up your outfit.

liven up your winter coatOk so now you are wearing a hat. Why not wear a different one. Again look at how the overall look changes. Plus this felt fedora keeps the snow out of your eyes.

liven up your winter wardrobe

One thing I notice on the streets of Toronto is how much black is worn, especially in the winter. Ditch your black scarf for a colourful one instead. Or go for some fur! Whether you go for faux or a vintage fur stole, it will add some luxury to your standard coat.

spice up your winter coatBrooches aren’t worn as much as they used to be, but they should be. They are a great way to add sparkle in the daytime and bring the attention up to the face. Wear them alone or in a cluster.

liven up your winter coatLooking to change your look even more, why not mix and match. Here I added a brooch to my hat. You could also pin your scarf with a brooch or tie your scarf a different way. I could have even switched the tie belt for a leather one like seen here. The idea is simply to try something different.

How do you make your winter wardrobe stretch through the winter?


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