The weather has been all over the map lately. We have had warm days where I have caved and worn shorts (these ones) and the next day is cool so it is back to sweaters and jeans.
Outfit details: Trench (old) // sweater (reviewed here)// jeans // boots // bag (reviewed here)

My trench coat is very old JW Andersen and Uniqlo collaboration. My Jeans and sweater I both own multiples of. The sweater I also have the dark blue and white stripe version that I wore so much last year I decided to get another version. It is the perfect layer for this time of year as it isn’t as warm as wool but still does the job.

If you are thinking you want a stripe sweater but already have so many blue and white options I really love this red stripe as an alternative.
Outfit details: Trench (old) // sweater (reviewed here)// jeans // boots // bag (reviewed here)
Is it still trench and a sweater kinda weather where you are?