Most of what I have bought lately is either something I am wearing to the office or I am changing into it right after. One thing they have in common is the soft comfort factor. And warmth because the days are only getting colder from here on out.

Three outfits from this past week:
Outfit 1: coat // sweater // cords // boots
Outfit 2: trench // sweater // cords // boots // bag
Outfit 3: coat (similar) // sweater // cords // boots (old)
What I bought and I liked October

Cords – I am not even sure I bought all of these this month but I have been wearing all of them this month. These I have mentioned a few times. They look more like a trouser and are super soft and lux looking. These are a newer purchase. Not as soft and more like a slim jean cord than a trouser. I got them in the same size but they are cut smaller.
I bought these after they were recommended by Emma Hill. She was right they are super warm. Lined with thick soft fleece these are very much a winter sweatpant. A bit warm to be lounging in but great for walking in the cold.

After loving what I ordered last year from Varley I decided to try a few more things that I had saved. I got a pair of their sweat pants and they are fantastic. Don’t get me wrong I am aware they are expensive for sweatpants. But they are the softest and most tailored sweats I own. I much prefer them to Vuori. I don’t think the Vuori are worth the money whereas Varley is in my opinion. I also got this cropped quarter zip fleece. Another winner.