It is this time of the year that I get bored with my winter outfits. They were exciting in October. Now it feels like I have cycled through all the options. It doesn’t help when retailers start to push spring clothes when we won’t see spring weather for months! Can we stop doing that already? Like I need a second winter release not a spring in February release!
Anyways, to switch things up I decided to ditch the fabric belt that comes with this old Zara coat and sub in the belt bag.
I don’t usually wear this belt bag in the winter. I use it quite a bit in the summer when I am less likely to have lots of layers with pockets. But it is a nice alternative to the fabric belt that comes with the coat.

I like the pop of white against the black and navy outfit. The white usually pops up around the summer but there are some other fun options below.
Outfit details: Scarf // coat (old Zara this is similar) // Belt Bag // jeans // boots // sunglasses